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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. "Cairene Topography: El Qarafa According to Ibn Ez Zaiyat." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1926): 57-61.
Subjects: Places--Cairo/Individuals--Ibn al-Zayyat
2. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. "A List of Writers, Books and Other Authorities Mentioned by El Maqrīzī in his Khiṭaṭ." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1902): 103-25.
Notes: Reprinted in Studies on Taqīyaddīn al-Maqrīzī (d. 1442) Collected and Reprinted, edited by Fuat Sezgin.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Maqrizi
3. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. "A Servian Embassy to Egypt in the Fourteenth Century." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1913): 1047-1048.
Subjects: Foreign relations
4. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. "Description of an Arabic Manuscript Bought in Egypt 1898-1900 A.D.." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1901): 91-95.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Fayyumi
5. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. Review of Abû'l Maḥâsin ibn Taghrî Birdî's Annals, edited by William Popper. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1912): 1120-1128.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Taghri Birdi
6. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. Review of Matériaux pour servir à la géographie de l'Égypte, by Jean Maspero and Gaston Wiet. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1921): 624-627.
Subjects: Economics
7. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. Review of Some Cairo Mosques and Their Founders, by R. L. Devonshire. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1924): 116.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Cairo
8. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. Review of La Syrie à l'époque des mameloukes d'après les auteurs arabes, by Maurice Gaudefroy-Demombynes. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1925): 160-161.
Subjects: General works/Places--Syria/Individuals--Qalqashandi
9. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. Review of The Treatise of al-Jazarī on Automata: Leaves from a Manuscript of the "Kitāb fī Maʿarifat al-Ḥiyal al-Handasiya" in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and Elsewhere, by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1925): 161-162.
Subjects: Individuals--Jazari, Isma'il/Arts/Scholarship
10. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. Review of L'Égypte musulmane et les fondateurs de ses monuments, by R. L. Devonshire. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1927): 898-899.
Subjects: Architecture
11. Guest, Arthur Rhuvon. Review of Gaibî et les grands faiencers égyptiens d'époque mamlouke, by Armand Abel. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1933): 186-188.
Subjects: Arts/Individuals--Ghaybi



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